July 21, 2024

Parents' Day 2024

North Carolina 2024 National Parents Day Celebration 

One of this year’s celebration of National Parents Day in North Carolina took place at the Triangle Family Church in Durham, N.C. about two miles down the road from Duke University. Mrs. Sharon Pace, the Universal Peace Federation Executive Director for SR2 in North Carolina, was the MC for the event. Pastor Bob Huneycutt was on hand to play guitar with the “Triangle Family Church Band” and entertained everyone with great live music.

Pastor Bob played music outside in the parking lot where we had games for the kids to play. Although it started raining, we got to have some serious playtime. Two representatives from “Planet Fitness” were on hand to share about their local gym. They gave away some “goody bags” and stayed for the entire program. Pastor Davetta Morgan had a table inside and guided the children in several arts and crafts projects.  All together about 50 guests came to the event. Inside, in the main sanctuary, we enjoyed a delicious Chicken dinner as our main meal. Six large pizzas were donated to the celebration from “Randy’s Pizza” just down the street. Also, the local Panera Bread gave 6 large bags of fresh bagels. At the end of the evening our guests took home bagels and also a fresh sunflower. 

While everyone was enjoying their meal, the Triangle Church Band played and some entertaining Parents Day themed videos were shown on the big screen. Some were funny and others were more serious about good parenting. 

As part of the program, Ann Nilson read some of the proclamations and the congratulatory letters that came from North Carolina government officials. Governor of North Carolina Roy Cooper had made a “Parents Day Proclamation for 2024”. Lt. Governor Mark Robinson also made a proclamation and sent a Parents Day letter. Congresswoman Valerie Foushee of Durham, Mayor Leonardo Williams of Durham and Dr. Scott Lassiter, Wake Soil and Water District Chairperson, sent letters. Representative Erin Pare and Catherine Truitt, the Superintendent of Public School in North Carolina, both sent congratulatory letters. Mayor Crawley of Morrisville apologized that he just could not make it this year. He had attended the last five years in a row.

We listened to a beautiful song written and performed by Chelsea Nayrcom. She was attending the event with 12 of her Vietnamese family members, including 5 grandchildren. Reverend Linda and George Riddick, the “Parents of the Year” for last year’s event, attended with 6 of their children and family members.

After the reading of the proclamation and letters, Chloe Kempf (10 years old) and her sister Claire Kempf (8 years old) gave a power point presentation about the importance of parents. For two young girls they did an excellent job of sharing about why God gives us our parents.

Their grandfather, John Pace, a former Pastor of the Triangle Family Church, spoke about how God created us through our parents and how we grow our ability to love God and others through the four realms of heart we experience in our family. Four generations of the Pace family were present at this Parents Day celebration, including John’s 92 year old mother, Elaine Pace and his brother Jim.  John and Sharon’s 2 daughters and 5 grandchildren were present. Tobias and Shawna Kempf , with Chloe, Claire, Charlie, John and Blake and Kieva Matthews with Stella Rose. (Shawna’s family came from South Carolina to support our Parents Day)

We all took a group picture and then ended our evening by singing along with the video of sister sledge singing “We are Family”. The entire event was a happy and meaningful way to honor National Parents Day.

Music Offerings

Messages for Parents' Day from Lt. Governor Mark Robinson, Congresswoman Valerie Foushee of Durham, Mayor Leonardo Williams of Durham, Dr. Scott Lassiter, Wake Soil and Water District Chairperson, Representative Erin Pare and Catherine Truitt, the Superintendent of Public School in North Carolina

Messages celebrate National Parents Day, recognizing the vital role parents play in shaping children and communities, as expressed through various proclamations.

Key Insights:
  • Importance of Recognition: National Parents Day serves to highlight the often-overlooked contributions of parents, allowing them to gain the recognition they deserve in society.
  • Foundational Role of Parents: Parents are children’s first teachers, shaping their values and beliefs, which have lasting impacts on their futures and society.
  • Valuable Life Lessons: The message emphasizes that through their actions, parents teach essential life skills such as kindness and resilience, guiding children in navigating life’s challenges.
  • Community Impact: Celebrating parents fosters community bonds and encourages positive change, showcasing the integral role of families in building strong societies.
  • Lifelong Learning: Parents’ support enables children to become lifelong learners, which is crucial for personal and communal growth in a rapidly changing world.
  • Challenges of Parenting: Acknowledging the challenges parents face highlights their resilience and dedication, emphasizing the demanding yet rewarding nature of the parenting journey.
  • Building Strong Families: Strong families are the backbone of strong communities; by investing in children, parents contribute to a brighter future for all.
Kempf family presentation

Claire and Chloe Kempf celebrate Parents’ Day, highlighting the importance of having parents for emotional support, conflict resolution, and overall well-being.

Key Insights:
  • Importance of Family Structure: Children with two parents often have better emotional and social outcomes, underscoring the need for a supportive family unit.
  • Thriving in Life: Research indicates that children raised in dual-parent households tend to excel in various life areas, emphasizing stability and security.
  • Conflict Resolution Skills: Parents play a crucial role in teaching children how to resolve conflicts, preparing them for adult challenges in professional settings.
  • Basic Needs and Care: Parents fulfill fundamental needs like shelter and food, highlighting their vital role in children’s health and safety.
  • Value of Family Love: The emotional support and love in a family environment are essential for children’s development and happiness.
  • Role Models for Life: Parents shape children’s values and behaviors, helping them grow into kind and responsible adults.
  • Parental Guidance in Life: Parents act as guardians and providers, creating a sense of security and nurturing children’s growth while on Earth.

The speaker reflects on the journey of love through parenthood, emphasizing the importance of receiving, giving, and learning to appreciate the roles of parents and grandparents.

Key Insights:
  • Identity Formation: The process of recognizing one’s existence starts at birth, shaped by parental love and care. Understanding this foundation is crucial for personal development.
  • Evolution of Love: Love transitions from a one-sided experience of receiving to a shared exchange, teaching us vital relational skills that prepare us for future connections.
  • Romantic Relationships: The attraction to others signifies a deeper understanding of love, leading to meaningful commitments and the creation of new families.
  • The Role of Parenthood: Becoming a parent shifts one’s responsibilities, emphasizing the importance of nurturing and supporting the next generation.
  • Generational Perspective: Watching children become parents provides fresh insights into one’s own upbringing, deepening appreciation for parental sacrifices.
  • Gratitude to the Creator: Recognizing a divine design in family dynamics fosters a sense of purpose and connection to a greater existence beyond our earthly lives.
  • Eternal Existence: Life on Earth is a preparatory phase for eternal life; the love and care given during this time hold everlasting significance.

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