August 14, 2024

Sunday Service on August 11, 2024

Triangle Family Church Sunday Service on August 11, 2024

Musical Offering

Sermon - Experiences With God

Winning the Gold for God emphasizes the importance of motivation, love, and the essence of happiness in achieving spiritual fulfillment.
Key Insights:
  • Global Unity: The Olympics symbolize a rare moment of global unity, reminding us of our shared human experience and spiritual journey.
  • Motivational Spectrum: Athletes embody various motivations, highlighting that our spiritual pursuits should also consider who we honor through our actions.
  • Happiness Defined: True happiness is rooted in love, emphasizing our need to cultivate loving relationships and a connection with God.
  • Divine Principle’s Role: A thorough understanding of Divine Principle is fundamental for anyone seeking to deepen their faith and share it with others.
  • Essence Over Words: Focusing on the essence of True Parents’ life and teachings provides a more profound understanding of our spiritual mission.
  • The Call to Share: The world is full of individuals seeking meaning; our role is to share the principles that lead to fulfillment and happiness.
  • Personal Spiritual Paths: Everyone resonates with different aspects of Divine Principle, underscoring the uniqueness of each person’s spiritual journey.
Sunday School: Moral lesson from "The Gigantic Turnip"

  • Story Theme: The story emphasizes growth, teamwork, and unexpected heroes.
  • Family Effort: The entire family, including the smallest grandchild, worked together to pull out the turnip.
  • Unexpected Hero: The baby grandchild's small effort was crucial in finally pulling out the turnip.
  • Moral Lesson: The story teaches the strength of family unity and collaboration.
  • Reflection: Questions encourage readers to reflect on their own experiences with teamwork and family support.

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