September 15, 2024

Sunday Service on September 15, 2024

Triangle Family Church Sunday Service on September 15, 2024


The sermon reflects on shalom as flourishing, sharing personal stories of love, desperation, and the importance of returning to God amidst life’s challenges. Key Insights - Flourishing Beyond Peace: Shalom encompasses not just the absence of conflict but a state of thriving and well-being, pushing us to seek deeper connections and purpose. - Family Connections: Personal symbols, like the hat worn for a nephew, remind us of the importance of nurturing relationships and engaging with the innocence of children. - Vulnerability Strengthens Bonds: Sharing personal struggles can foster deeper connections within the community, allowing others to feel less isolated in their own challenges. - Commitment in Love: The wedding vows serve as a powerful reminder of the unconditional love and support we can offer to one another in our relationships. - Desperation Drives Change: Recognizing our own desperation can be the catalyst for seeking redemption and reconciliation with ourselves and God. - True Repentance: Understanding repentance as a return home to God emphasizes the importance of reconnecting with our faith rather than merely feeling guilty for our actions. - Healing Through Community: Embracing our brokenness and sharing our stories can lead to healing, reminding us that we are not alone in our struggles and that support is available.

Message from Rev. Demian Dunkley: 21-Day Activation

Sunday School: moral lesson from the Korean folktale "Tiger’s Whisker"
Only love can make a person more open to change NOT by magic potion.

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