September 08, 2024

Sunday Service on September 8, 2024

Triangle Family Church Sunday Service on September 8, 2024

Musical Offering


Key Insights
  • Celebration of Faith: The Riddick's anniversary underscores the importance of community in faith, reminding us how collective milestones strengthen our spiritual journey.
  • Moments of Timelessness: Personal experiences, like the childhood memory shared, illustrate how God reveals Himself in profound ways during seemingly ordinary moments.
  • God’s Forbearance: The concept of God’s patience reflects the divine understanding of humanity's struggles, encouraging us to embrace our journeys towards repentance.
  • Call to Awareness: The sermon highlights the urgency of recognizing our historical context in faith, particularly in light of significant events like the upcoming Cheon Il Sanctum opening.
  • Eternal Dreams: Emphasizing the importance of holding onto our original dreams, even amidst struggles, connects us to our purpose and God’s vision for humanity.
  • Unity in Diversity: The invitation to various Christian denominations to collaborate symbolizes hope for a united faith front, essential for global peace.
  • Significance of Upcoming Events: The anticipation of April 13, 2025, as a pivotal moment in faith history invites reflection on how we prepare for and participate in God’s unfolding plan.

Sunday School: Bible Study - Jonah Runs From God

Jonah's Disobedience: Jonah's disobedience to God negatively affected others around him. 

Consequences of Sin: Sin always has consequences, and God must punish sin, but He is also merciful.

Sailors' Response: The sailors showed compassion and prayed to God before throwing Jonah overboard, calming the sea. 

Positive Actions: Living an obedient life for God positively impacts others; say kind words and encourage others.

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